What Is the Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death in Every State?

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death in Every State?

The statute of limitations is a crucial legal concept that sets a specific time limit for legal actions. This limitation period varies depending on the type of case and jurisdiction. In the case of wrongful death, where someone dies due to another party’s negligence or intentional act, understanding the statute of limitations becomes vital for…

What Damages Are Available in Wrongful Death Cases?

What Damages Are Available in Wrongful Death Cases?

Losing a loved one can be incredibly challenging for surviving family members. While the loss itself is devastating, it can be even more difficult when you know negligence caused your loved one’s death. If a person’s careless actions led to a family member’s death, you may be able to recover damages with a wrongful death…

10 Things to Know About Wrongful Death Claims in Colorado

10 Things to Know About Wrongful Death Claims in Colorado

The thought of dealing with a lawsuit while you’re still grieving the loss of your loved one can feel overwhelming. However, learning more about wrongful death and the claims process can help you know what to expect. Here are 10 common wrongful death questions and answers from our Elite Litigation Group of attorneys. 1. Are…