Many lit candles in memorial for a wrongful death.

Is There a Cap On Wrongful Death Settlements?

When people have burn injuries, they suffer from tissue damage. Severe burns may be categorized as third or fourth-degree burns involving damaged bones, muscles, and tissue. Although 1st-degree burns are minor and often do not require medical attention, approximately half a million people in the U.S. need medical attention for burns annually.

Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Types of Catastrophic Injuries

While any injury after an accident can be difficult, catastrophic injuries have devastating effects on victims and their families. These types of injuries happen suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving people with life-changing impairments. With their lives permanently changed in an instant, victims who suffered a catastrophic injury often lose the ability to walk, work, communicate, or…

pedestrian pressing the button of a walk signal

October Is Pedestrian Safety Month

Walking is a popular mode of transportation. Pedestrians use sidewalks and crosswalks to get from one place to another on foot. Pedestrians also include people in wheelchairs and those using skateboards and roller skates.  Although preventing car accidents and ensuring safer streets is the purpose of traffic laws, thousands of accidents occur every day. The…

doctors speaking with victim of catastrophic injury in the background

5 Steps to Navigating Medical Decisions in the Event of Catastrophic Injury

The following is adapted from Unthinkable. My mother was hit and killed by a concrete truck while crossing a street near her home. Her death was an unthinkable tragedy, and my family is far from alone in suffering such a loss. But in my professional life as a personal injury lawyer, we encounter many more…